Ambassador Hashem Dajani met with His Excellency the Ambassador of Armenia Volodymyr Karapetyan

Mr. Ambassador Hashem Dajani met with His Excellency the Ambassador of Armenia Volodymyr Karapetyan at the headquarters of the Embassy of Armenia in the city of Kyiv. During this meeting, the latest political events and the ongoing Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip were discussed. Ambassador Dajani, on behalf of the entire Palestinian government, expressed his gratitude to Armenia, its leadership and the friendly Armenian community for their efforts, solidarity, support for the Palestinian people and their just cause. In addition to this, Mr. Ambassador highly appreciated Armenia’s recognition of the State of Palestine and its readiness to maintain stability in the region, stressing that this step will contribute to the strengthening of peace and security in the Middle East, as well as the further development of bilateral relations between the two states.

For his part, Mr. Ambassador Karapetyan confirmed that his country supports the State of Palestine and the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the realization of their independent state in accordance with the principle of two states and resolutions that have international legitimacy.