Ambassador Hashem Al-Dajjani met with the Special Representative of Ukraine for the Middle East and Africa, His Excellency Ambassador Maxim Sobh, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ambassador Hashem Al-Dajjani met this morning with the Special Representative of Ukraine for the Middle East and Africa, His Excellency Ambassador Maxim Sobh, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he informed him of the latest political developments related to Palestine, especially the continuation of the Israeli aggression.

On the Gaza Strip and the comprehensive destruction it left behind, a humanitarian catastrophe and suffering that exceeded all borders, and the failure of the international community to oblige the Israeli occupation to cease fire and bring in humanitarian aid. The meeting also addressed the situation in the West Bank and Jerusalem and the suffering of the Palestinians from the daily attacks and terrorism of Israeli settlers and the repeated invasions of the occupying army. of Palestinian cities and his attacks on civilians. Al-Dajjani handed over to Mr. Subh a file containing details of the effects of the aggression and the catastrophic situation.

Al-Dajjani stressed the priority of supporting international efforts to stop the brutal Israeli war against Palestinian civilians and ensure the immediate entry of humanitarian aid. He also requested Ukraine’s support for Palestine’s official request for full membership in the United Nations.

The interlocutors discussed a number of current issues in Ukrainian-Palestinian relations, including prospects for improving effective cooperation in maintaining Palestinian food security. Mr. Subh invited Palestine to join Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s “Grains from Ukraine” initiative.

He expressed his deep concern over the development of the situation in the Gaza Strip, mainly the steadily increasing number of deaths and injuries among civilians, as well as major losses among representatives of international humanitarian missions and press corps.

Mr. Sobh also stressed the importance of saving lives and ensuring unhindered access to the Gaza Strip through United Nations structures and international humanitarian organizations in order to provide vital assistance to the Palestinian people in the Strip, and stressed that Ukraine recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to establish their state in accordance with the principle of a two-state settlement. Palestine and Israel to achieve comprehensive and lasting peace and stability in the Middle East.

At the same time, he expressed his hope that the Palestinian side would support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The meeting was attended by Counselor, Dawood Jalloud

And advisor to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Mykola Radenko